The person responsible for this site is the company Molinero Logística, S.L., whose tax data and company name appear below.

Privacy Policy

MOLINERO LOGÍSTICA, S.L. has modified its Privacy Policies. We believe and defend that your privacy is especially important and that only you should decide what use is made of the information. Therefore, we have adapted to the European regulations on personal data protection.

Responsible for the treatment of data

CIF: B42104299
Postal address: POL. IND. EMILIANO REVILLA AVENIDA DE VALLADOLID 13, 42110 Ólvega (Soria)
Phone number: 976192491
Email address:

Purpose for which we process your data

To maintain the contractual relationship with you for the provision of logistics and transport services on behalf of MOLINERO LOGÍSTICA, S.L. We will treat the information you provide us with to offer the requested service, perform the corresponding billing and comply with the legal obligations for the administrative, fiscal, and accounting management and/or execution of a contract. To be able to contact you by email, telephone, or postal mail. To keep you informed about our activities, as well as any other information related to new services that we consider may be of interest to you.

Legitimate basis of data processing

The legitimate basis is the fulfillment of the contractual or pre-contractual relationship established with you, as well as the consent granted by you and in its absence the legitimate interest for the sending of the information that we consider of your interest.

Communications to third parties, Confidentiality

We inform you that MOLINERO LOGÍSTICA, S.L. does not communicate your data to third parties and maintains absolute confidentiality regarding the information concerning your contacts or customers. MOLINERO LOGÍSTICA, S.L. will only communicate your data to third parties if such communication of data is necessary for the provision of services and in cases where there is a legal obligation. Your data will be communicated to the Tax Administration, Social Security, Banks and financial institutions and/or Public Administration with competence in the matter.

Data Retention

MOLINERO LOGÍSTICA, S.L. will keep the data provided if the contractual relationship that motivated its processing is maintained or during the years necessary to comply with the legal obligations, attend to the responsibilities that may arise from it and as long as the recipient does not exercise his right of deletion or opposition to the processing. You have the rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, processing limitation, portability and to file the claims to which you are entitled by going to your corresponding control authority. Rights: Rights of the data holders:

To exercise such rights, you may send a communication:
By physical mail:
Att. Delegado de Protección de datos (Data Protection Delegate)
By e-mail:
If you wish to stop receiving commercial information from MOLINERO LOGÍSTICA, S.L. send us an email with the word “Unsubscribe” in the subject line. In any case, if you have any questions regarding our data processing, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail to At MOLINERO LOGÍSTICA, S.L. we take your privacy very seriously and appreciate your interest in continuing to receive our communications. I have been informed of the terms and I consent to the processing of my data.

Cookies Policy

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Fiscal Data

Molinero Logística, S.L. · CIF: B42104299
Address: Avda. Valladolid, 13
Tel: 976645424 · Fax: 976645537