Quality Policy, Product Safety AND ENVIRONMENT 2023

At GRUPO MOLINERO LOGÍSTICA we offer a comprehensive logistics solution through the specialization of the organizations that comprise it in the services of:

  • MOLINERO LOGÍSTICA, S.L.: transport of merchandise by road at controlled temperature, ambient and pharmaceutical products.
  • FRIÓLVEGA, S.L.: storage of deep-frozen products and preparation of orders: picking, repacking, packaging and preparation of promotional lots.

We believe that the QUALITY of our services is one of the essential factors to maintain our position in the market and the satisfaction of our clients. We take care of the QUALITY AND SAFETY OF THE PRODUCT that we transport and store, through a risk management system based on the principles of the Codex Alimentarius. And we seek quality and sustainability from the respect and promotion of the fundamental values ​​of SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, protection of the ENVIRONMENT and development and implementation of the best available practices.

For all these reasons, we base our policy on the following principles:

  • An outstanding human team that, due to its technical preparation and its clear commitment, makes possible a good interaction with the client.
  • Responsiveness to the requirements of the overall environment.
  • Use of state-of-the-art technology and technical innovation.
  • Transparency among the different departments.
  • Receptive management.
  • Assistance in the comprehensive logistics chain with an excellent quality of service at a good price.
  • 24-hour availability.
  • A fleet of trucks always updated and renewed.
  • Commitment with a continuous improvement in all processes of the organization.

Thus, from a FOCUS that is always oriented TO THE CUSTOMER, we seek to achieve our main objective: to satisfy, and even exceed, the demands, requirements and expectations of our clients and other interested parties, thus maintaining the image of continuity and solidity that characterizes us.

This is why we focus our efforts on the following commitments:

  • Comply with all the requirements, whether legal, contractual, or otherwise, applicable in our activity, as well as the standards and the applicable good practices, so that our action in no case can contravene the requirements and specifications established by our customers, competent authorities, and other interested parties.
  • Always seek CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT of our Integrated Management System and all its processes, to guarantee the quality of the service we offer, the safety of the products we work with and our environmental performance, identifying and taking advantage of any opportunity for improvement.
  • Promote SUSTAINABLE growth of the Organization, always complying with environmental regulations, based on the efficient use of resources and the prevention of pollution, with the ultimate goal of protecting the ENVIRONMENT by minimizing our environmental impact.
  • Promote the understanding and dissemination of this Policy at all levels of our structure, through the development of a FOOD SAFETY CULTURE and the promotion of ENVIRONMENTAL RESPECT AND RESPONSIBILITY.
  • Develop continuous training programs for a better qualification of workers, transmitting their RESPONSIBILITIES related to quality, product safety and the environment, thus involving all staff in achieving the objectives established by Management.

Commitments that are reflected in the quality, product safety and environmental objectives that Grupo Molinero Logística sets for each new period.

The Integrated Management System is kept up to date through periodic reviews by the Quality Department, as well as in reviews by Management, in order to take into account changes in environmental conditions and the information received. In this sense, the Directorate provides all the human, technical and economic means necessary to achieve the objectives and goals that are established on a scheduled and periodic basis.

The Management of Grupo Molinero Logística makes this Policy accessible and makes it available to all its employees, customers and suppliers, as well as to the general public.

F. Javier Jiménez Omeñaca


Molinero group cares

quality of service provided

product quality and safety

Safety and well-being of workers and collaborators

Molinero logística